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Implementing a Successful Mobile Strategy


2017-2018 there were 2468 successful app downloads

Friend Requests

Students across campus used the app to make new connections, send messages and engage with their campus community.

Social Interactions

2017-2018 a total of 9157 posts and comments were created on the campus wall

Private Messages

Using the peer-to-peer chat messaging feature, 16,889 message were exchanged between 2017-2018

The Problem

Before implementing their mobile strategy, SMCC only had 1000 downloads of their campus app, over a 3 year period.

The Cost

  • Campus emails were going unread by students
  • Difficult to scale one-on-one communication across the institution
  • Advisor messages and key academic deadlines were being missed
  • Events were being skipped with no feedback provided

The Solution

In 2017 however, SMCC welcomed their new Director of Residential Life and Student Involvement, Jason Saucier. After seeing the app’s potential, Jason breathed new life into the project and began encouraging admin, faculty, and students to download the platform.

Campus Wall enables campus-sourcing answers to low-impact student queries, significantly saving staff time

Targeted push notification delivery ensures that the right message goes to the right student at the right time.

'Stubborn' push for critical security messages can override notification settings and require a long-press to release.

The Outcome


Increased event attendance and gathered valuable student feedback


Increased deadline awareness and increased student engagement


Fostered an engaging mobile campus community