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The Student Engagement Blog

Build Community. Drive Retention.

    November 23 2023
    On November 20th, we hosted a webinar in partnership with UCISA and the University of Birmingham. Our objective was to address the growing European student crisis. To meet this goal, Cherry Doyle, Product Owner at the University of Birmingham, shared concrete initiatives they have implemented...
    August 25 2023
    How can the school leadership team improve processes and operations to build the most engaging and enriching student experience possible?
    August 21 2023
    Communication and transparency are vital factors that contribute to the overall student experience.
    August 11 2023
    Student well-being has become a top priority in recent years. What strategies can you implement to promote student well-being?
    August 7 2023
    Foster a sense of community and engagement to enhance the student experience in higher education.
    July 31 2023
    How academic excellence is linked to more than just high grades and outstanding performance.
    July 24 2023
    The enrolment process is the first step in a student's academic journey. Here are ways to improve the process and student experience.
    July 11 2023
    Discover the key elements to boost student engagement and enhance your institution's digital transformation strategies for a better student experience.
    June 30 2023
    On Thursday, June 29, 2023, we hosted a webinar on how to better engage your students with an enhanced first-year experience. You’ll find in this article the key elements of the discussion we had...
    June 15 2023
    How can you provide the best student career support possible to prepare your students for their professional futures? As a higher education institution, it is your responsibility to support students...
    May 24 2023
    The first year is critical to engage your students in the long-term. Make sure you provide them with an experience that will encourage them to stay and enjoy their studies by giving them the tools...
    May 24 2023
    As a higher education institution, how can you deliver a service that students can both enjoy and succeed in? Learn how to engage them before they even start their academic journey and ensure they...
    April 3 2023
    Alumni engagement is one of the best ways for institutions to maintain and nurture relationships with previous graduates to build a strong professional network. Alumni engagement strategies should...
    March 27 2023
    Why write about mental health in higher education The mental health and well-being of young people in Europe is a high concern. In Europe, 40% of students experience mental health issues and...
    March 1 2023
    Student mental health is at the heart of today’s concerns in higher education. Indeed, the rising drop-out rates as well as the anxiety and depressive symptoms are increasing. Factors such as the...
    March 1 2023
    Mental health and well-being are essential to a happy and healthy student life. Students face stress and pressure on a daily basis, and their mental health can suffer greatly because of it.
    February 28 2023
    It can be hard for institutions to develop a modern communication strategy that meets their goals. As a matter of fact:
    February 27 2023
    As we are starting a new year, we are all facing cold, fatigue, the aftermath of Christmas euphoria… February is hard on all of us, students included. What do they need to stay motivated until the...
    September 22 2022
    This may not come as a surprise, but the more students are engaged with the institution and the learning community, the more likely they are to succeed. However, establishing a culture of engagement...